A relationship does not have to last long for pregnancy to occur. Even a doomed romance can result in a birth. You may be the father of a little one whose mother you no longer desire. If so, you have an inherent interest in establishing a biological connection. Doing...
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Month: August 2019
What should you know about underage drinking crimes?
Washington law specifically sets the legal drinking age at 21. The law also gives details on how someone underage could commit a minor in possession crime. According to the University of Puget Sound, minor in possession applies to those under the age of 21. The use of...
How do you know if parallel parenting is right for your situation?
When your divorce involves children, it becomes more complex than divorces without them. You must make decisions that consider their best interests, regardless of your feelings for your spouse. Suppose you and your former spouse cannot have a single conversation...
Is probate a complicated process?
A person's death sets off a chain reaction of events in response. One of these is a court process known as probate. Probate is a standard process, the purpose of which is to ensure that a deceased's property goes to those who have a right to it. Absent prior...
What parents should know about parental alienation
Children generally benefit from having a relationship with both their parents. Sometimes, however, one or both parents may not only not facilitate this, but instead, act to impede their kids from having meaningful relationships with their other parents. To help...
What you need to know about child custody in Washington
Going through a divorce involves addressing many aspects of your life and future, including finances, custody arrangements and more. As a parent, you want to ensure your children have a living situation that meets their needs. Negotiating a divorce settlement that is...
Financial steps to take during and after divorce
Divorce is a highly emotional process, and much of the conflict that can arise between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse relates to money. As much as anything else, a divorce is a business transaction. That being the case, it is important for you to protect your own...
How can aggressive driving lead to serious car accidents?
As a motorist in Washington, you know firsthand the frustrations that can come with driving. Whether hurrying home after a long day at work or rushing to an important meeting, maneuvering through traffic can make a person angry. It is the hazardous driving behaviors...
3 things to know about dividing an IRA in divorce
Dividing up your retirement accounts and pensions is something you are probably nervous about in your divorce, but with the right actions, you may come out of your divorce with enough assets to help you enjoy a good retirement. If you have put money away in an IRA,...
What is the difference between the various degrees of assault?
Most criminal charges have different degrees of potential charges. First-degree charges are the most severe and have the harshest sentencing guidelines. The higher the number is the less severe the charge is. According to the Washington State Legislature, an assault...