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What are the first signs of parental alienation?

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2021 | Family Law |

Parental alienation is a difficult thing for any family to go through. Not only are you, the alienated parent, hurt. Your child often suffers from long-lasting and sometimes irreparable damage, too.

Because of that, it is important to keep an eye out for potential signs. That way, you can act as quickly as possible and lower the chance of your child suffering through a worst-case scenario.

Rejection of the alienated parent

The Psychiatric Times discuss the first red flags associated with parental alienation. For many alienated parents, the first warning signs come in the form of a child’s interactions with them. A child suffering from parental alienation often rejects the alienated parent suddenly, with little to no warning or signs in advance.

A child who rejects an alienated parent often starts by refusing their company. They may deny wanting to spend time with you. When you pick them up, they might complain or act sullen and grumpy the entire time. Some children will warm up as they spend time with you. Others may display a very intense desire to get away from you. However, if asked, they cannot give a concrete example for their change in behavior.

A critical eye and changed behaviors

You might notice them grow more critical of you, too. Suddenly, you cannot do anything right in their eyes. They may dislike things they previously had no issue with. They might gripe and complain about anything you do or do not do. They may also act entitled, as if you owe them.

Finally, you may notice some behavioral changes. A child may grow more aggressive or reserved, depending on how they handle trauma. If you notice these signs, consider seeking the aid of a legal expert to decide what to do next.

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